February 18, 2011

CRM Deployment Problems with Windows 2000 Domain.

Recently I had one scenerio for deploying CRM in following environment :
Windows 2k Server Domain : DC01, DC02. Both Trusted, Replicated domain controllers.
Windows Server 2008 R2 as CRM Server.
Windows Server 2008 with SQL Server 2005 SP3.

I started CRM Setup filling all the information as guided in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Implemetation Guide provided by Microsoft.
Later in Self Check being second last step of setup, it showed me that Reporting Server was configured incorrectly and it was unable to connect to http://servername/ReportServer URL.
Then I tried browsing ReportServer URL. It showed up with error :
HTTP Error 500.23 - Internal Server Error
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
This usually happens when you have IIS7 on Reporting Services Server.

What I did was :
1. Run inetmgr
2. Expand Default Website
3. Go to Basic Settings of ReportServer Website.
4. Change the application pool to Classic .net Apppool.
5. Restart website.

This should get yourself a working Report Server.

Now that The dynamics CRM Setup completed all of its checks,
I clicked "Install" to start installation.

With the installation completed half, I came up with the error:

 Error| System.Exception: Action Microsoft.Crm.Setup.Server.GrantConfigDBDatabaseAccessAction failed. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Windows NT user or group 'Domain\SQLAccessGroup {9e798758-54f6-44a6-93a6-51b6faf49928}' not found. Check the name again.

I clicked retry, Hail microsoft, it worked!

Installation completed its progress, Finish installation, now browsed http://servername:5555/
Navigated to administration => Users => New User
typed a name in logon name box, hit tab, then all the fields filled themselves up with information they retrieved from Active Directory.

Then when I clicked Save and Close, It showed up error :
"You are attempting to create a user with a domain logon that does not exist.  Select another domain logon and try again"

This had something to do with Domain and Active Directory.
Then what I did was :
1. Remove CRM from "Programs and Features"
2. Remove CRM Databases from SQL Server.
3. Remove User Groups created in Active Directory.
4. Remove installation Directory contents, if any.
5. Install hotfix KB976494 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/976494
6. Reboot Computer.
7. Restart installation.
This time it again showed up with the same error when half the installation was completed.
8. Then retry, hail microsoft, it continued.
But after installing the hot fix the error was resolved.
I was able to add users easily.

I think this error was occurred because of something that has to do with the Active Directory synchronization. The time taken by AD to sync between DCs is insufficient when CRM setup creates users.



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