August 12, 2012

RTNETLINK answers: File exists

If you've come across error "RTNETLINK answers: File exists" when using dhclient to renew IP address, here's how I did it:

root@SERVER02 :dhclient eth0 -r  
root@SERVER02 :dhclient eth0  

The -r option releases current configuration for the interface, allowing dhclient to create new config file.

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August 8, 2012

6 things you probably want to do after Solaris 10 installation

1. Set BASH as default shell for root:
This is first thing I really do! Because bash has multiple advantages for day to day use and scripting too, over other shells.
For this you can simply edit /etc/passwd file and change the shell from very first line.
By default it is /sbin/sh, you can change it to /bin/bash

2. Change the hostname from "unknown"
To change the hostname temporarily:
 hostname SERVER01  
To change the hostname so that it is persistent across reboots:
 echo SERVER01 > /etc/nodename  
However, the changed hostname is re-set when you run sys-unconfig command to reset the configuration of the system.

3. Disable GUI Login:
 /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d  
For more, see here about disabling and enabling GUI login in Solaris

4. Configure loghost:
You might get messages such as "loghost could not be resolved.". To be able to resolve loghost you must configure DNS Server or you can add entry in /etc/hosts such as "  loghost".

5. Disable sendmail:
You can disable sendmail by issuing a simple command,
 svcadm disable sendmail  
Hmm... not everybody uses sendmail... 

6. Set PS1 variable (This is only for people using BASH):
It is solely user's choice to set this variable. Solaris has it as PS1='\s-\v\$ ' by default.
However, I set it as PS1="$LOGNAME@$HOSTNAME# " so that it will be displayed as:
 root@SERVER01# _  
For more information on PS1 environment variable check here and to make it look like Angelina Jolie :D check here.

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August 4, 2012

Solving basics hell out of vsftpd

Configuring vsftpd isn't a very hard thing. If you haven't read the docs, then its crucial to go.

I had a fresh installation of vsftpd on CentOS 6.2
I tweaked hardly one or two params in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf such as "anonymous_enable=NO"
Then created a new user using:

 #useradd -m -d /home/user1 -s /bin/bash user1  

Then I tried to connect to the server using our brand new user1.
Here's what I got:
500 OOPS: cannot change directory :/home/user1

After a bit digging on Google and thanks to this link, I was able to do it when I ran following command:

 /usr/sbin/setsebool -P ftp_home_dir 1  

This command takes a while to run, but it worked for me after that.
The setsebool sets boolean variables in SELinux.

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